Kim Ji-young, Born 1982


82년생 김지영 (Original Title)



Know what's upsetting? The doctor asked why it hurts when machines make rice and do the laundry.

- 我们标记一下想去的国家吧
- 我啊,瑞典,丹麦,芬兰
- 你为什么想去那些不熟悉的地方?
- 那里没有韩国人啊
- Wanna mark off where we want to visit?
- Me? Sweden. Denmark. Finland.
- Why go to such unfamiliar countries?
- Because not many Koreans are there.

You're like a queen, and I'm a maid. I'll work all my life and then die.

What if she turns into a shaman and runs around with a knife? Crazy women like her should be isolated.

Stay alert and avoid problems. If a rock rolls toward you, will you stand still? If you don't avoid it, it's your fault.

They won't say that. But those who go on paternity leave are promoted later and struggle to settle back in the company.

I wish I had a daughter, too! They care more for their family. Good girl!

Able or not, I'll be fine on my own.

- 姊读高中时,还跟朋友一起抓到露鸟侠
- 喂,当时我抓到他后交给警察,结果被老师们骂得好惨,说女生这么不知羞耻,那时我一直诅咒那些老师,结果我自己当了老师。
- Back in high school, you and your friends caught a flasher.
- Right! I caught him and turned him over to the police. But my teachers yelled at me and called us shameless girls. I cursed those teachers back then, but I became one.

- 为什么要在你们家的长辈面前,讲我们的家庭计划?
- 本来长辈们就只是随口说说,因为他们无话可说啊,未婚时就催婚,结婚后就催生小孩,生个儿子后,就催生一个女儿,生女儿的话,就催生一个儿子。
- Why must we talk about having kids in front of your parents like that?
- Parents just say things like that in passing. They nag at you to get married, and when you do, they tell you to have kids. If we have a son, they'll say to have a daughter. If we have a daughter, they'll say to have a son.

What's this! What the hell is this! Is your son the only one you care about? Ji-young is wasting away not being able to do what she wants! But you buy medicine for your healthy son only? And you call yourself a father?

Cherry blossoms fell all around on the day you were born. On the way to the hospital after my water broke, It looked like snow. 

Honey, it's spring. See the buds there?

Doctor? I don't think it's so bad living like this. As someone's mom and wife. Sometimes, I'm happy. But sometimes, it feels like I'm trapped. I go around a wall to find an exit, but there's another wall. Then another one...I think maybe there was no exit from the start and get angry. Then I realize that it's actually all my fault. Others found the way out, but I don't have the skills to. So I fell behind.

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