Even extras are actors.
Though you guys play the roles of pedestrians, but your roles still have life an soul.
Shit, you're a dump of shit. Your life is cheaper than ants. I ride a Mercedes, you pick your nostril.
Miss, if you must call me an extra, you don't need to add 'damned' in front of it.
You managed to get 20 protection money in front of a temple. You're making a fame for yourself. You do look like a hero.
- 恭喜你啦,你一定会成为一个很出色的坐台小姐
- 多谢,你一定会成为一个很出色死跑龙套的
- Congratulations. You will become an excellent club girl.
- Thanks. You will become an excellent damned extra too.
- 不上班行不行啊?我养你呀
- 你先照好你自己吧,傻瓜
- Is it possible if you don't go to work? I'll support your libing!
- Take care of your living first, nuts.
I'm much better than those so-called actors. I'm more skillful. Because I'm acting every day when I work here. Though I have no script, I never make any NG. Because any NG will cause the death of me. I should be the Best Actor in Oscar.
你干什么去了? 天都黑了 也不打电话回来,煮不煮你的饭?你怎么穿成这样,你不是演主角吗?不管你是主角也好 跑龙套的也好,你都要养我一辈子的啊,来试试看合适吗,哇,红色的唇膏印?你去鬼混啊?呐,这次我放你一条生路啊,再有下次,我不给你饭吃,走,走啦,看什么看?不服气啊?打我啊笨蛋。
What's going on? It's dark already, and you didn't give me a call? Shall I cook dinner for you? What's happen to you? Didn't you play as the leading actor? I don't care whether you're a leading actor or an extra. You must support my living forever. Come on, try it and see if it suits or not. Red? Is it lipstick? You're dating someone else? I forgive you but I won't cook for you if you dare next time, go! Waht are you looking at? Fight back, nuts!