I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of God. I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.
- 你打过仗吗?
- 在马上,也当过工程师。
- 你是与谁为敌,为谁而战?
- 替一个领主打另一个领主, 为了什么记不得了,现在更好了,一个神打另一个神。
- Have you been at war?
- On horse. And as an enginer also.
- Against whom and for whom did you fight?
- For one lord against another...on a point which cannot be remembered. There's better game now... one god against another.
一个人在法国没有房子, 在圣地却是一城之主。
A man who, in France, had not a house...is, in the Holy Land, the master of a city.
One may stare into the light until one becomes the light.