Land and Freedom


Land and Freedom (Original Title)



"Join in the battle wherein no man can fail. For whoseo fadeth and dieth. Yet his deeds shall all still prevail"

Comrades, whether Spanish or English, or American or Chinese we are one class of people with the same aspiration...the same hope for a just and equal society.

Now I'm in Spain and everything is so bright it hurts your eyes.

It's a People's Army. Just ordinary men and women fighting for a cause not like the Army back home. There's no salutin'.

The photos'll give you some idea of how cold it was. But what they do'nt show is how the rain turned everything into freezing mud. We seemed to spend all our time searching for firewood anything that'd burn and keep us warm.

We shall leave them in the ground, but the earth is ours now, comrades, and from this place we must draw the strength to fight on. The battle is long and our foes are many. But we are more, we shall always be many more. Tomorrow is ours, comrades. The struggle goes on. They shall no pass. We shall overcome. Viva la revolucion! Viva! Muerte al fascismo!

The revolution is like a pregnant cow, if we don't help out...the cow and its calf will be gone and the children will be left hungry.

Who are you trying to appease...foreign governments, foreign bankers? What is a revolution? It's nothing other than a radical change in privilege, wealth and power. What's going to happen, what'... the only way we'll appease, the only way we'll appease these people when the ideas are diluted and watered down till they mean absolutely nothing. Now I think you're dead right when you say when you say that they must look beyond this village, and must look at what's happening outside. Okay, but not only to foreign bankers and foreign governments. What we must look to as well is that outside these windows, as we speak, on this land are two million landless peasants. From the day they were born they had absolutely no hope other than a life of misery. And unless we harness that energy now the ideas will be dead, there'll be no change and this will all be in vain. Ideas are the basis of this.

Exactly. So, unless we win the war, there's no point in having the ideology. The ideology does not exist in, in like, in a book. It exists, has to exist in place. It'd have to be real, for real people.

I tell you what poor is. Two pesetas a day for agricultural labours if you're lucky. Peasant families living in caves or sandpits that is poor. That is why we need the revolution.

Yeah, I can see. I see a stupid idealist with a death wish.

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