Let me put it this way. I should be sincerely sorry to see my neighbor's children devoured by wolves.
人们总是准备好了给你一掌打翻你… 但是从不扶你起来。
People are always ready to hold out a hand to slap you down… but never to pick you up.
Don't you go ordering me around. I ain't afraid of cops. I was brought up to spit whenever I saw one.
We belong together because we're both weak and can't seem to help it.
劳拉,你有一个致命的缺点,对你来说一副健壮、挺拔的身躯就是你衡量男人的标准… 但总是你受到伤害。
Laura, you have one tragic weakness. With you, a lean, strong body is the measure of a man… and you always get hurt.
就像历史已经证明的一样,爱是永恒的,这是人类欣慰的最强动机… 几千年来都是如此,爱比生命更强大,它已经超越了死亡的阴影。
And thus, as history has proved, love is eternal. It has been the strongest motivation for human actions… throughout centuries. Love is stronger than life. It reaches beyond the dark shadow of death.
"生命苦短,转瞬即逝的 是眼泪与笑声… 是爱情,是欲望,是憎恨,我想,它们会离我们而去… 在我们跨进天堂大门的一刻。"
"Brief Life. They are not long. The weeping and the laughter. Love and desire and hate. I think they have no portion in us. After we pass the gate."
他来了,他会发现我们在一起,劳拉… 像我们曾经那样,像我们应该那样,像我们将会那样。
There he is now. He'll find us together, Laura. as we always have been… as we always should be, as we always will be.