Lawrence of Arabia


Lawrence of Arabia (Original Title)

1916年,阿拉伯大起义爆发。 英军中尉 Lawrence(Peter O'Toole 饰)受命登上阿拉伯半岛之后,决定带领阿拉伯人夺取亚喀巴。在穿越沙漠的过程中, Lawrence 力排众议孤身返回搭救了失踪的 Gasim(I.S. Johar 饰)。此举赢得了众人的尊敬,Ali ibn el Kharish(Omar Sharif 饰)沙里夫甚至让 Lawrence 换上了沙里夫的长袍,而 Lawrence 也欣然接受...


Big things have small beginnings, sir.

" I cannot fiddle, but I can make a great state from a little city." Themistocles, sir.

Lawrence, only two kinds of creature get fun in the desert: Bedouins and gods, and you're neither. Take it from me. For ordinary men, it's a burning fiery furnace.

So long as the Arabs fight tribe against long will they be a little people...a silly people. Greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are.

Dreaming won't get you to Damascus, but discipline will.

The desert is an ocean in which no oar is dipped. On this ocean, the Bedu go where they please and strike where they please. This is the way the Bedu has always fought.

1000 Arabs means 1000 knives. It means 1000 camels. That means 1000 packs of high explosives and 1000 crack rifles.

我到迪拉来三年半了,就是他们把我派到月球背面布岗,我也不会觉得... 孤单。
I have been is Deraa now for three and a half years. If they posted me to the dark side of the moon, I could not be more...isolated.

Not many people have a destiny, Lawrence. It's a terrible thing for a man to funk it if he has.

I'll tell thee what...being an Arab will be thornier than you suppose, Harith.In all my years, I've never seen anything like it.

"我的朋友劳伦斯",如果我可以这么叫他的话,"我的朋友劳伦斯",多少人会宣称,他们有权那么说呢? 太光荣了,他期盼着祖国的绿地,他渴望在苏利的葛德式房屋 对吧?他已经在想像他钓着鳟鱼,从事英国绅士的所有活动。
My friend Lawrence, if I may call him that. " My friend Lawrence." How many men will claim the right to use that phrase? How proudly. He longs for the greenness of his native land. He pines for the Gothic cottages of Surrey, is it not? Already in imagination, he catches trout...and all the activities of the English gentleman.

年青人制造战争 战争的本质...就是年轻人的本质,未来的勇气跟希望。老人则维持和平,和平的罪行是老人的罪行,不信任跟戒心,一定是这样的。
Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men. Courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace. And the vices of peace are the vices of old men. Mistrust and caution. It must be so.

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