Jo March:
When I get in a passion, I get so savage, I could hurt anyone, and I'd enjoy it.
I just feel like...women, they...They have minds and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they've got ambition and they've got talent, as well as just beauty. And I'm so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I'm so sick of it. But I'm... I'm so lonely.
- 人们总说我有才华
- 我觉得你很有才华,所以我才如此...如此直白。
- 以赞美充饥对我来说太奢侈了。
- And people have always said that I'm talented.
- I think you're talented. Which is why I'm being so... so blunt.
- Well, I can't afford to starve on praise.
- 这种事情并不怎么重要,也许是因为没人写这些故事,所以才让人觉得不重要。
- 不,写作并不能让一件事情变得重要,只能反映其重要性,我不这么认为,把事情写出来会让它们变得更加重要。
- It doesn't have any real importance. Maybe it doesn't seem important because people don't write about them.
- No, writing doesn't confer importance. It reflects it. I don't think so. Writing them will make them more important.
- 没有人可以自力更生,都算不上,更不要说女人了,你得嫁给好人家
- 但你就没嫁人,马奇姑妈
- 那是因为我有钱
- 所以女人不结婚的唯一方法就是当有钱人吗?
- No. No one makes their own way. Not really.
- Least of all, a woman. You'll need to marry well. But you are not married, Aunt March.
- Well, that's because I'm rich.
- So the only way to be an unmarried woman is to be rich?
Quotes from Laurie:
I think you will marry. You'll find someone and love them. You will live and die for them. That's your way, and you will. And I'll watch.
- 你不为这样一只手感到羞愧吗
- 不啊
- 它一生中似乎-从未做过一天工作。
- Aren't you ashamed of a hand like that?
- I'm not.
- Looks like it's never done a day of work in its life.
Quotes from others:
I'm just a woman. And as a woman, there's no way for me to make my own money. Not enough to earn a living or to support my family. If I had my own money, which I don't, that money would belong to my husband the moment we got married. If we had children, they would be his, not mine. They would be his property. So don't sit there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition, because it is.
With good things to enjoy, you can find nothing to do but dawdle.
Money is the end and aim of my mercenary existence.
- 我尽力让自己知足,但太难了,我受够了贫穷
- 我害怕的就是这个, 我尽力了,梅格。
- I try to be contented, but it is hard. And I'm tired of being poor.
- I was afraid of this. I do my best, Meg.
年复一年地在春天里 在地球上绽放
"We could never have loved the earth so well
if we had had no childhood in it, if it were not the earth
where the same flowers come up again every spring
that we used to gather with our tiny fingers.
What novelty is worth that sweet monotony
where everything is known and loved
because it is known?"
- 出自英国作家乔治·艾略特的小说《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
贝丝·马奇小姐, 我这一生中穿过许多双拖鞋,但从来没有像你做的这双这么合脚的。
Miss Beth March, I have had many pairs of slippers in my life, but I never had any that suited me so well as yours.
It's like the tide going out. It goes out slowly, but it can't be stopped.
- 你会发现蜗居的爱情注定失败
- 总不可能比有些人独自住在大房子里更难受吧
- when you've tried love in a cottage and found it a failure.
- It can't be worse than some people find in big houses.