You're thin as a cuckoo.
He was completely indifferent. He watched me pack my suitcase. Without a trace of emotion. How does somebody suddenly become so indifferent?
While trying to sleep Jeanne thought about her life and her father sleeping next door with a woman. She thought about the man she loved, who no longer loved her. It was like being skinned alive.
You looked at me, you stopped, facing my direction, I felt... completely naked. I fell in love with you.
一场不叫战争的战争 随之而来的是一场并不想打的战争。
It was a war that wasn't called a war. It provoked...Nobody wanted it.
You're self-centered, I know that. I love you just the way you are. But I don't want to suffer. Conflict, fighting, reconciliation...I hate all that. I'm not interested in the slightest. I want us to live in harmony. Understand me? I didn't think that this was possible for two people the understanding between us. I feel free with you.
You know. Men...They cheat without warning and it doesn't even bother them. But they cannot accept...that women do the same. There is only one solution. You do the same...And you don't tell them.
He says that in fact, when we fall in love, we start to love everything... seeing...finding life absolutely incredible. Walking in the street is amazing. You become stupid. But it's sad, never to fall in love.
Sure, it hurts being single you want to be with someone, but at least when in solitude we battle against the cold.