That for some inexplicable reason that defies common sense and human understanding, that I have, of late, experienced some small...Quite small, but discernible inner stirrings regarding your smile.
你知道吗 我搞不明白自己更厌恶哪种人,用劣质把戏欺骗容易上当的人的骗子,还是那些容易上当的人自己。
You know, I don't know who I loathe more, those who use simple tricks to prey on the gullible, or the gullible.
I believe I actually loved her from the first, first moment I laid eyes on her. Well, love at first sight is a kind of magic, isn't it?
- 我一直觉得生活仅仅是,一个无趣的 悲剧的事实,但你证明生活不止这些。
- 还有什么?
- 还有魔力,还有谜团。
- I mean, I've always believed that the dull, tragic reality of life is all there is, but you are proof that there's more.
- More what?
- More mystery, more magic.