Marty, you oughta be ashamed of yourself. All your kid brothers and sisters married and got children. When are you gonna get married?
Ma, sooner or later there comes a point in a man's life when he's gotta face facts. One fact I gotta face is whatever it is women like, I ain't got it. I chased after enough girls in my life. I went to enough dances.
That's one of the most beautiful things I have in my life - the way my parents were. And my father was a real ugly man. So it doesn't matter if you look like a gorilla.
Two women in the same kitchen, the house burns up.
I'm afraid to look in a mirror. I'm afraid I'm gonna see an old lady with white hair, like the old ladies in the park - little bundles in black shawl, waiting for the coffin. I'm 56 years old, and what I got to do with myself? I got strength in my hands. I wanna clean, I wanna cook. I wanna make dinner for my children. Am I an old dog to lay near the fire till my eyes close? These are terrible years, Theresa. Terrible years.
我常如此说,我母亲需要我,但是当你真正去面对时 事实上根本不是你所想像的,我们只是怕独自一人,当走出自己时就是一个大的进步,当你说你父亲需要你时 我认为你这话并不是真心的,事实上是你需要你的父亲,你知道我意思么?
And that's what I used to say: "My mother needs me." But when you really come down to it, that ain't it at all. We're just afraid to go out on our own. It's a big step when you go out on your own. And I think you're kiddin' yourself when you say your father needs you. Actually, you need your father. You know what I mean?
It's a curse to be a mother, I tell you. Your children grow up and then what is left for you to do? What is a mother's life but her children? Is a very sad thing when your son has no place for you in his house.
I used to think of doin' away with myself. I used to stand on the subway and, God forgive me what I'm gonna say, I...I used to feel the tracks suckin' me down under the wheels. I'm Catholic, you know. Even to think about suicide is a terrible sin.