Memories of Murder


살인의 추억 (Original Title)

1986年,韩国京畿道华城郡,热得发昏的夏天,在田野边发现一具女尸,早已发臭。小镇警察朴探员和汉城来的苏探员接手案件,唯一可证实的是这具女尸生前被强奸过。线索的严重缺乏让毫无经验的朴探员和搭档曹探员(金罗河饰)只凭粗暴逼供和第六感推断,几次将犯罪 嫌疑人屈打成招。


If I keep staring at them one moment it'll hit me. Instinctively. Chief, I may know nothing else but my eyes can read people. It's how I survive as a detective. There's a reason people say I have shaman's eyes.

Is this town rapist's paradise?

I'll kill them all. Everyone who grimaces at my face. I'll kill them all. Those women who grimace they're all in my head.

If you watch how they investigate...You know how? Their heads are spinning like a top. Analyzing things...You know why? It's 'cause they got so much fucking land! If you don't use your brain it's too much ground to cover. So they have no choice those F.B.I. bastards. But our Republic of Korea...using just your two legs you can run all over it. You know why? 'Cause our land's the size of my dick. So it's said, Korean detectives investigate with their feet.

These days, you know real events in our town are stronger than the magazines. When I read the newspaper I start fantasizing. I ask myself why I do this but when will this chance come again?

Even kids in this town know you torture innocent people.

- 你睡得好吗?
- 什么样的警察可以睡得好?
- Are you sleeping well?
- What kind of detective sleeps well?

- 你有看到他的脸吗?他长什么样子?
- 有点平凡,嗯,就是…很普通的那种。
- Did you see his face? What did he look like?
- Well... Kind of plain. Just...ordinary.

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