每件事都是提前决定的,你存钱买电视,接着是洗衣机,然后是冰箱,你像政府一样 有个20年的计划。
Everything's decided in advance. You save up to buy a TV set, after that it's a washing machine, then a refrigerator. You've got a twenty-year plan like the government.
Don't you understand that we live in Moscow? And Moscow's one big lottery, you can hit the jackpot.
莫斯科充满了外交官 艺术家 演员和诗人,实际上他们都是男人,而我们是女人。
Moscow is full of diplomats, artists, actors and poets. Practically they're all men. And we're women.
男人们喜欢做学问的女人,比如一个医生 她手很干净 穿着白衬衣,或者一个音乐老师 非常浪漫 经济宽裕,当然,室内装饰也是个高雅的职业,唯一的麻烦是它不好假装。
Men prefer women in the intellectual professions. For example, a doctor. Her hands are clean, she wears a white blouse. Or a music teacher. It's very romantic, and earns a good living. Of course, interior decorating is a chic profession. The only trouble is that it's hard to fake.
Take a chance for once in your life.
如果上帝真的创造了我们 他应该很慷慨,并且至少给我们一丁点希望。
If God really created us all, he should be generous and give us at least a thimbleful of hope.
Washington says we're a bust, Treats us just like old dust. But in space we're the first. With green envy they can burst.
- 生命中有个叫做运气的东西 你知道吗?这就是我为什么每周都买彩票。
- 你中过吗?
- 当然,我两次中过1卢布。
- In life, there's such a thing as luck, you know. That's why I buy a lottery ticket every week.
- You win yet?
- Sure I did. I won a ruble twice.
你知道多少人在遭受寂寞之苦?看看这些数据 你就知道问题有多严重,只是在莫斯科一处,就已经让人惊慌,孤独就是我们面临的危险,出生率下降,酗酒率上升!
Do you know how many people are suffering from loneliness? Look at the numbers and you can see how alarming it is! In Moscow alone, it's alarming! Loneliness is the danger facing us. The birthrate goes down, alcoholism's up!
You know as well as I do that in Moscow there're five single women for every forty-year-old bachelor.
真正男人现在都在哪儿?男人变得肥胖懒惰,你到剧院或者博物馆里去 能看见什么?只有女人,男人都在看电视或者和朋友喝酒,一到四十岁就变得百无聊赖。
Where are the men nowadays? They're getting fat and lazy. You go to the theatre or museum and what do you see? Only women. The men are watching television or drinking with their friends. Once they reach forty, they vegetate.
A man can start over again if he really wants to.
我听说可以这样找单身男人:你去一个公墓,你一定能遇见一个最近才丧偶的知识分子,你让他看着你 然后你就会发现,我一个朋友就这样嫁了一个建筑师。
I was told how to meet a single man. You go to a cemetery. You're bound to meet an intellectual who's a recent widower. You let him look at you, and the next thing you know...A friend of mine actually married an architect that way.
- 你是说单身女人有种特别的眼神?
- 他们的眼神像在搜索着什么,和警察一样,总经理、单身女人都有这种眼神。
- You mean single women have a special look about them?
- Their look is kind of searching. The same look police usually have, an executive has it, and a single woman has it too.
To marry a person after only a two-day acquaintance is a very thoughtless act. It's best to wait about a week.
And now here I am, alone with no kids, with no wife, not even anyone I can really call a friend. How many times I've imagined what it would be like meeting you. All the words I've so carefully prepared. Now you're here and I don't know what to say. For many years I didn't stop loving you. But then I became hateful and bitter. I wanted you to know about my success, to make you see how wrong you were. But now I think that it was all to the good. I wouldn't have become a success if you had stayed.
Life begins at 40. It may sound trite, but it's true.
听说过罗马皇帝戴克里先么?在他的帝国的巅峰时期,他放弃了皇位,在乡下安了家,当他被请去再做皇帝时 他说:“一旦你见到了我种的卷心菜,你就不会再来请我了 ”。
Ever hear of the Roman emperor Diocletian? At the very height of his empire, he just gave away the crown and settled down somewhere in the country. And when he was asked to take over again, he said: "Once you've seen the cabbages that I've grown, you'll stop asking me."
I prefer doing the things I like doing. I don't care a damn about prestige or stupid fashion. I love the kind of work I do because I know that I'm needed. I love my friends, because we never get tired of each other, of our talks. I love your mother because... because I love her.
Don't cry. You know what Moscow thinks of tears. We shouldn't be sitting around, we should do something!
Not everything works out right away, And Moscow was built not in one day.
It never took your word for it, It only believed in love.
Whether covered with soft snow, Or glistening in autumn glow,
It will warm a lonely soul and nurture a tree in a grove...