My Blueberry Nights


My Blueberry Nights (Original Title)



- 不知道反倒更好,有时根本就没有理由。
- 凡事都有理由,就像这些派和蛋糕。
- sometimes it's better off not knowing and other times there's no reason to be found.
- Everything has a reason It's like these pies and cakes.

Life happened. Things happened. Yeah, time happened. It's pretty much always the case more or less. Or maybe one of them ran off with someone else.Maybe the feelings just went away.

At the end of that night, I decided to take the longest way to cross the street.

I wonder how you remember me? As the girl who liked blueberry pies or the girl with the broken heart?

I've always been fascinated by card players. They risk everything on their instincts and their luck. I wonder if I would be able to make the same moves in their position Or would I just fold?

You can beat players but you can't beat luck.

In the last few days, I've been learning how to not trust people and I'm glad I failed.

Sometimes we depend on other people as a mirror, to define us and tell us who we are. And each reflection makes me like myself a little more.

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