A strong man as helpless at last as a child.
Everything was just as I'd imagined it—the hall, the pictures, even the clock striking 4 as I came in the door.
I'd never even met a man like this—strong, tender, without conceit of any kind. And for the first time in my life, I knew what peace was. And as for him, he was like someone sleeping who'd wakened suddenly and found the world with all its beauty and sadness too.
A halo can be a lovely thing, but you must be able to take it off now and again and be human occasionally.
A man in love must scale the walls.
If I owned the world, it would be yours too.
I love her and nothing else. Because it isn't a little love, and it isn't a fancy, and it isn't something you would turn on and off. It's everything I think and feel and want and know, and there's no room in me for anything else.
There's an Italian saying that Ambrose loved. Remember only the happy hours.
Rachel, my torment, my blessed, blessed torment.