Night Falls on Manhattan


Night Falls on Manhattan (Original Title)



I sleep like a baby. No butterflies. Then maybe it's 'cause I got you to protect me.

A boundless love of the truth and an instinct for the jugular vein, that's what makes a great prosecutor.

If a cop or a detective needs a search warrant at 3:00 a.m., you're to type it up, go to a judge's house, pull him off his wife or whoever else he's on top of, and get it signed!

My 15-year-old daughter when she O.D.'ed. You know, when your kid dies before you, it's not the natural order of things. Your whole life changes.

And you have the nerve to call them rat-fucks? You were a cop, Joe, and now you're garbage, you're nothing. I hope some crazy junkie takes you out in an alley one night.

But you're going to spend most of your time in the gray areas. But out there, that's where you're gonna come face to face with who you really are.

You passed your bar exams, and you're here because you didn't get a decent offer after law school and you got to start some place. I know what you got in mind. You'll do your time here because you gotta have something on your resume. One or two of you figure maybe you'll get lucky, maybe Alan Dershowitz, maybe Bruce Cutler will see you in court one day, waiting for their cases to come up, and your career will be made. Most of you just want a stepping stone to some Wall Street law office, a divorce firm with society clients. You're in it for the money. So don't give me any crap about justice, the law, the sacredness of your duty, blah, blah, blah. You're out of here as fast as a decent offer comes around.

Turning this over to anybody but me is an insult that's incredibly damaging to me, to my career. But to turn it over to an A.D.A. with eight months' experience is more than insulting. It's shocking, humiliating, and it's unacceptable!

- 有时我内心感到恶心,非常灰心丧志,我觉得我们必须放弃整个世代,把他们关起来,把钥匙丢掉。
- 这是60年代最后激进份子说的话吗?
- Sometimes I just get so sick inside. So discouraged, you know? I feel like we have to just give up on an entire generation. Lock them up and throw away the key.
- Am I hearing this from the last of the '60s radicals?

You need to know that the law applies to everyone equally. Rich, poor, black, white, yellow, brown, witness, jury, perpetrator, victim, cops, judges, Wall Street, welfare. All everyone equally. The party ticket I am running on may not like what I'm saying, but I'm telling you how I feel. There will be only one standard, did that person break the law?

- 我一直挑我期待的完美男人,我不是指钱或长相,像你这样就是完美。
- 等到一亲近,缺点就出现了,我想这是我的缺点,期待兰斯洛特-加龙省。
- It's just that I keep picking guys that I expect to be perfect. I don't mean money and looks. Like you. Just perfect.
- And then we get close, and the flaws show up. I guess that's my flaw, expecting Lancelot.

It's funny, you spend years with a partner, you live...Sometimes you die together. But you don't know him.

- 一年60万美元?有多少人抗拒得了?有多少医生、律师、那些在不当处所炫耀显摆的混蛋?那些以别人毕生积蓄来买船的混蛋家伙,告诉我,谁能抗拒60万元的诱惑?
- 我来告诉你,队上其他两万七千名警察,就是他们。
- $600,000 a year? $600,000 a year? How many can resist that? How many doctors, lawyers, those bastards who put the gas tanks in the wrong place? Those fucks that buy boats with other people's life savings. Tell me, who can resist $600,000?
- I'll tell you who. 27,000 other cops on the force, that's who.

And to top it all off, two of us go in, me and Joey. Two of us go through that door because we want Jordan Washington. Only Jesus Christ stops me from killing him on the spot.

If you're in it for the hustle, I guarantee you, you're going to come across a case that you actually believe in and you're going to lose it. It's going to break your heart, and you'll be damned. And if you think you're a saint, well, I guarantee you, you're going to come across a case where you're gonna have to make a deal and you're going to win it. And that' break your heart, and you'll be damned. So you might as well believe in it from the beginning. Hurts less that way.

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