No one really likes what they do. Then why do we do it? Because we're driven. Maybe a bit insecure.
We get into things when we're young and because we think they mean something. And then we find out that they don't.
You both have the same kind of sadness in your eyes. You and your mother.
Don't do this. You'll regret it. And you'll only hurt Edward in the end. The things you love about him now are the things you'll hate in a few years.
We may be perfect for each other if we didn't live in the real world, but I live in the real world and I need a life that is more structured. I need a future that is more structured.
Do you know what it feels like to put yourself out on the line creatively and then have someone you love tell you that they don't understand it?
He's stronger than I am in a lot of ways. Just… he just has a different kind of strength is all. A different kind of strength. He has the strength to believe in himself and believe in me.