"Such is life."
My father used to say, "How you do anything is how you do everything." Called it the first and the last rule of life.
Friendship means little when it's convenient.
A good death only comes after a good life.
Fools talk, cowards are silent, but wise men listen.
You must have fallen far to believe the only debts we have… lie in markers.
You don't need eyes to see the right path.
Killing a man can turn him into a martyr. Letting him live… tells the world he's a coward or a turncoat.
这场行动的目的不是杀死约翰·威克,这是为了抹除约翰·威克这个概念,为了做到这一点,我必须摧毁 一切与这个概念有关的东西。
This campaign is not to kill John Wick. It is to kill the idea of John Wick. And to do that, I must destroy everything that idea touches.
The bloodshed was the point.
They will replace him before the body's cold. Hercules had his Hydra.
一个瞎子,一个遛狗的和约翰·威克一起走进一家酒吧,在桌子边坐了下来,这样开启的故事走向要么是个大笑话,要么是个大买卖。一个觉得自己能赢出一条活路,另一个觉得自己能买出一条活路,最后一个…觉得自己能杀出一条活路,每一个人都觉得自己会赢,但他们都不知道的是当他们坐下来的那一刻… 就已经输了。
A blind man, a guy with a dog and John Wick walk into a bar and take a seat at the table. That either sounds like the beginning of a stupendous joke or a most profitable opportunity. One thinks he can serve his way out. One… thinks he can buy his way out. And one… thinks he can kill his way out. Each of them all think that they have the winning hand. But what they fail to realize is that the moment they took a seat at The Table… they had already lost.
Know what your problem is, Mr. Wick? You are unlucky. Unlucky in life, in love, in friendship… and now… in death.
A man without purpose… is nothing.
There are three types of men in this world. Those who have something to live for, those who have something to die for, and those who have something to kill for. John Wick has none of these things. He is but a ghost in search of a graveyard.
That's what I want on mine. "John. Loving husband."
即将踏入这里的人啊 抛弃你所有的希望吧"
"I am the way into the city of woe.
I am the way into eternal pain.
I am the way to go among the lost.
Before me, there were no created things.
But those that last forever.
As do I!
Abandon all hope you who are about to enter here."