Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, for which he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity.
Quantum physics is not a step forward. It is a new way to understand reality. Einstein's opened the door. Now we are peering through, seeing a world inside our world.
"And now I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds."
Well, this glass, this drink, this countertop, uh, our bodies, all of it. It's mostly empty space. Groupings of tiny energy waves bound together. Forces of attraction strong enough to convince us that matter is solid, stop my body passing through yours.
他跟我一样出身富裕家庭,但… 他在俄亥俄州扬斯敦组织工会,我很爱他,爱到愿意在接下来四年只吃豆子和煎饼。
He was, um, from money, like me, but… he was a union organizer in Youngstown, Ohio. Fell hard. Hard enough to spend the next four years living off beans and pancakes.
各位,铁铲能用来制造核武 是真的,一瓶啤酒都能用来制造核武也是真的。
Congressmen, you could use a shovel in making atomic weapons. In fact, you do. You could use a bottle of beer in making atomic weapons. In fact, you do.
I say isotopes are less useful than electronic components, but more useful than a sandwich.
Genius is no guarantee of wisdom.
Trees are the most inspiring structures.
"You could lift the stone without being ready for the snake that's revealed."
We imagine a future, and our imaginings horrify us. But they won't fear it until they understand it, and they won't understand it until they've used it.
你认为广岛或是长崎的任何人… 在乎谁制造了原子弹?他们只在乎是谁投放的,就是我。广岛的核爆与你无关,奥本海默博士。
You think anyone in Hiroshima or Nagasaki gives a shit who built the bomb? They care who dropped it. I did. Hiroshima isn't about you. Dr. Oppenheimer.