Out of the Past


Out of the Past (Original Title)



Two things I can smell inside 100 feet: burning hamburger and a romance.

Every time I look at the sky, I think of all the places I've never been.

除非你能分享它 否则世界上没有任何东西是好的。
Nothing in the world is any good unless you can share it.

I never saw her in the daytime. We seemed to live by night. What was left of the day went away like a pack of cigarettes you smoked.

Why not? After all, there wasn't one chance in a million we'd bump into our past. One chance in a million. One chance in a million was all that chump ever had in his life, and he made it good.

There was still that something about her that got me. A kind of magic or whatever it was.

You're like a leaf that the wind blows from one gutter to another.

- 梅塔谈起你时,好像在说世界上的第九大奇迹。
- 所有的女人都是奇迹,因为她们让所有的男人都显得浮于表面。
- Meta talked about you like you're the ninth wonder of the world.
- All women are wonders because they reduce all men to the obvious.

我想坐在同一个月光下,告诉你所有我从未告诉你的事情,直到你不恨我 直到有一天你又爱上了我。
I wanna sit in the same moonlight and tell you all the things I never told you... until you don't hate me. Until sometime you love again.

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