We may be born lost, but now you are found.
This is...the greatest...night...of my life. I wish I could just live out here forever.
I can survive just fine without you, you know. But there‐‐ there's a chance that this life can be a little less mundane with you in it.
这可能是活着的世界 也可能是死后的世界,这也可能是个梦,是我在想象你,可能是你在想象我,也可能我们正身处炼狱,还可能是我们所在的模拟系统出了个小故障,我不知道这算什么,所以我前段时间决定,不去想了,不再试图去理清这一切,因为唯一能在这里活下去的办法,就是接受事实,一切都不重要。
It could be life, it could be death. It might be a dream, I might be imagining you, you might be imagining me, it could be purgatory or a glitch in the simulation that we're both in. I don't know. So... I decided a while ago to sort of give up and...stop trying to make sense of things altogether, because the only way to really live in this is to embrace the fact that nothing matters.
- 但你其实并不相信你说的屁话,对吧?
- 一个字都不信,我们都是孤独的。
- But you don't actually believe any of the shit that you said?
- Not a word of it. We're all fucking alone.
- 我全家人都以我为耻,他们都把我看作是个,吊儿郎当 酗酒的累赘。
- 他们为什么这么想?
- 因为我吊儿郎当又酗酒
- my whole family is embarrassed by me. They all see me as a,as a liability who fucks around and drinks too much.
- Why would they think that?
- Because I fuck around and drink too much.
- 也有可能她害怕了
- 害怕什么?
- 家庭 婚姻 亲密关系,胎记瘤、纳米技术 、无处不在的监控,或者调味汁。
- Or she's scared.
- Of what?
- Families, weddings, intimacy,melanoma, nanotech, round‐the‐clock surveillance. Sauce.
- 孔子说过,婚姻是无底洞,带来无尽悲伤,让人迷失自我。
- 他没这么说过
- 但洞底是存在的,朋友,那地方可他妈黑暗了。
- Confucius said: Marriage is a bottomless pit of sorrow that makes you forget who you are.
- He did not.
- But there is a bottom, my friend. And it is a fucking dark place.
Let's waste some time.
在这片虚空里的一切,这块糖缺失的部分曾经在这里,但它现在在我肚子里,这些都是过去时了,剩下的这一切,是包裹在巧克力里的未来,我对这片虚无,不感兴趣,就是那些你过往的人 事,物这些东西,你现在在这了,这是最重要的。
Everything in this void the space where the candy bar once was but is now in my stomach, is the past. And everything that's remaining is the future encased in chocolate. I have no interest in this emptiness, you know, the who, what, why of your past. You got here, that's all that matters.