

Quills (Original Title)



Owing to her noble birth, Mademoiselle Renare was granted full immunity to do just that: inflicting pain and pleasure with equal zest. Until one day...Mademoiselle found herself at the mercy of a man...every bit as perverse as she. A man whose skill in the art of pain...exceeded her own.

St. Augustine tells us that angels and demons walk among us on the Earth...and that sometimes they jointly inhabit the soul of a single man. Then how can we know...who is truly good and who is evil? Well, we can't. All we can do is guard against our own corruption.

I hear he's got a whetstone and a chisel, and he uses them to sharpen his teeth.

You've already stolen my heart...as well as another prominent organ south of the equator.

There's but one kind of bird in a madhouse, Abbe. A loon.

Conversation, like certain portions of the anatomy, always runs more smoothly when it's lubricated.

这种珍贵的葡萄酒来自波尔图的一个无名小村,榨取葡萄汁时不是用脚踩, 而是将葡萄放在新娘的腹部,当年轻的丈夫驾驶他的船只进入港口时便可榨取汁液,充满着体香,蕴含着激情。
This is a rare vintage from an obscure village in Bordeaux. Rather than crush the grape underfoot, they place the fruit on the belly of a bride, reap its juices when the young husband steers his vessel into port. Full-bodied flavor, just a hint of wantonness.

这是个差劲透顶的剧本, 是脸上长着溃烂脓疱的作品,羊皮纸写上它都不配用来给我擦屁股。
It's a dreadful play, a festering pustule on the face of literature. Why, the parchment it's written upon isn't worthy to wipe my ass.

Homo perversio: a species that thrives in captivity.

Remember, gentlemen, inside each of your... delicate minds, your distinctive bodies, art is waiting to be born!

l've all the demons of hell in my head. My only salvation is to vent them on paper.

l'll die of loneliness. l've no company but the characters l create. Whores and pederasts!

lf l wasn't such a bad woman on the page, l'll hazard l couldn't be such a good woman in life.

l've stared into the face of evil...and I've lived to tell the tale.

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