'If the living don't eat, the dead won't receive'
Everyone has his own destination. The wheat is no different. It has its fate too. When summer comes… it'll be cut down anyway.
Listen. The old bottles in the eaves… are whistling again.
A straw donkey has it good. Doesn't need to graze, not bossed around.
I saw you comforting the donkey in the yard, feeding him corns, this donkey… this donkey had a better life than I did. I thought… you'd be a good man to marry.
To the sickle, he'd say “What could the wheat say?” To the pecking sparrows, he'd say… “What could the wheat say?” To the grinder, he'd say… “What could the wheat say?” Since it was still in seed form… what could the wheat say?
Feet let people walk around. They're better off than crops and vegetables grown in the field. Things grown in the field can't go anywhere. Exposed to wind and sun… Living, then dying… Never leaving the field. Mind you, though… Where can our feet take us? We're also tied to our land We can't go anywhere. Tell me, how can a peasant live without land?
You don't want to go. You were used by others for most of your life, haven't you had enough?
这是用来洗衣服和清洗食物的地方,但他们在清洗食物的时候,在这儿,在这样的水里就会有食人鱼,尤其在十月的时候,他们甚至再这样清洗食物,他们都是不能完成的,他们需要打水 舀水上来洗,然后在这儿清洗,他们在洗鱼的时候,把这一桶水倒进去,就能看到水下那种骚动,大群的食人鱼。
This is where they wash their clothes and food. But when they wash anything… in this spot… there will be man-eating fish in the water. Especially in October, so even washing their food… becomes impossible. They need to scoop up some water, and then clean the food here. When they wash fish… and empty a bucket like this… they can see movement in the water. Big shoals of man-eating fish!