Rick and Morty Season 4

瑞克和莫蒂 第四季

Rick and Morty Season 4 (Original Title)

Rick 和 Morty 讲述了地球C-137(S1-06之后转移到的时空N/A之前的时空由于Rick的药水使除了Morty一家的人类都变成了柯南伯格式的怪物)的Rick和Morty的冒险故事,但有时也有Rick和Summer,Morty和Jerry这样的冒险组合。


You're gonna be a lot happier if you focus on the moment, rather than on how you're gonna die.

There's a lesson here, and I'm not the one that's gonna figure it out.

Your future stems from your present, which, if you're living right, keeps changing.

You want to take the one part of life that you truly think is yours, and you want to protect it from a universe that takes whatever it wants. It took my wife. It clearly took something from you. We can spend our lives fighting that, or we can choose to be free.

啊我天,这些蛇真是一团糟,190亿条蛇分成了一万个国家世界大战一触即发 而战争是为了种族。真有意思,想象下作为一条种族歧视蛇,“嘿,其他蛇,我恨你们,因为你们颜色不对,蛇们”。
Oof, oh, my God, these snakes are a mess. 19 billion snakes divided into 10,000 nations all on the brink of global war over...race. How funny is that? Imagine being a racist snake. "Hey, other snake, I hate you because you're the wrong color, snake."

Look, to be honest, I'm kind of grossed out with the sexual nature of how everything unfolded.

老话是怎么讲的来着,“兽人为活下去而工作 矮人为了工作而活着”。
What's the saying? "Orcs work to live. Dwarves live to work."

RickYou of all people know, Rick, There can be no destination without a journey.

你人生的唯一目标就是买买买和消耗商品,你做到了,你去了个商店,一个真真正正的商店,然后你买了些东西,你没有问问题或者提出道德上的抱怨,你就直视着资本主义的獠牙,然后说“是的,爸爸,来吧”,所以我 我为你感到骄傲,我只希望你能买多一点。
Your only purpose in life is to buy and consume merchandise. And you did it. You went into a store -- An actual honest to god store -- and you bought something. You didn't ask questions or raise ethical complaints. You -- you just looked straight into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said "yes, daddy, please." And I'm... I'm so proud of you. I only wish you could've bought more.

Glorzo. All is Glorzo.

The point of inventing is to make things that don't exist.

- 你才是他女儿,你眼睛里也有那种无耻的抛弃家庭的感觉。
- 我提个理论。我被你爸设计成了我行我素没有愧疚的人,而这意味着,当时是你以自由意志决定的,把梦想打碎了和着劣质红酒和恐龙意面往肚子里咽,你知道Jerry就喜欢这种,就像我知道你那仅有的该死梦想就是得到你垃圾爸爸的认可,你给你的垃圾爸爸接柠檬水,你打扮得像你垃圾爸爸三十岁时候的样子。
- You're his daughter. Just something about the eyes, the shameless abandonment of your family.
- One theory -- I was designed by your father to live with myself, which would mean you made a conscious choice to swallow your dreams with cheap wine and dinosaur pasta. You know that's the kind Jerry likes, same way I know the only Goddamn dream you'll ever follow is your shitty father's approval. You fetch your shitty father's lemonade. You cosplay as your shitty father in his 30s.

For once in my life, I want you to decide, Dad. Do you want me to stay here and be part of your life, or do you want me to leave?

That's actually really sad, dad. Let's be real. You've been high-roading us non-stop, forcing us to do nothing in the middle of fucking nowhere because it's the only way you're gonna level the playing field, isn't it? Because if you move the bar so low, you might actually seem like you're worth a fuck.

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