

Saraband (Original Title)

影片分10个小节讲述自与约翰分手已有30年后,玛丽安隐约感到约翰还需要她,于是她决定到约翰乡下的家里去看望这个别了30年的老男人。他过着富足但与世隔绝的生活,在两个人之间,尽管很多年过去,当初的情感依然非常真实。在那里,玛丽安认识了约翰与前妻的儿子恩里克,以及恩里克21 岁的女儿卡琳娜,他们住在离约翰家不远的地方,但这老少三代人似乎并不和谐...


I drove 200 miles...and managed to find your lair deep in the forest. But now that I've seen you, kissed you, and spoken to you, I can go.

An old priest once told me that a good relationship between a man and a woman has two components: a good friendshipand unshakable eroticism. 

We spend our entire lives wondering about death...and what comes after this. And then it's this easy. In music I sometimes get just a glimmer. Like with Bach.

I'm not sad. It's worse. It's some hellish anxiety. It's bigger than me. It's trying to push its way out through every eyes, my skin, my asshole. It's like a gigantic, total mental diarrhea! It's coming out everywhere. I'm too small for my anxiety.

Things are as always with me. In good order. Everything in its place. Perhaps I'm a bit lonely. I don't know. Sometimes... I think about Anna. I wonder how she managed her life. How she she moved. Her gaze...that almost imperceptible smile. Anna's feelings. Anna's love.

When I got back, I visited my daughter Martha at the home. And I thought...about the mysterious fact...that for the first time in our life together...I realized...I felt...that I was touching my daughter. My child.

It turned into a night of...a night of distance. Anna fell sound asleep...but I lay awake, listening to her breathing. I watched her in the light from a streetlamp outside the window. I gazed at her for a long time...and wondered if...deep down inside...she knew how much I'd grown to be a part of her. Or actually... how much she'd grown to be a part of me. With Anna and me, it was a question of belonging.You understand what I mean? And that belonging was...a miracle. I know that sounds pretentious...but there's no better word.

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