Saving Mr. Banks


Saving Mr. Banks (Original Title)



The rain brings life. So does the sun.

You could save a starving country with benefaction from this room alone.

Why in the world have you made Mrs. Banks a silly suffragette?

Being a mother is a job. It's a very difficult job, and one that not everyone is up to.

Just the sort of annoying tune you'd have playing in your themed park, I daresay. All giddy and carefree, encouraging children to face the world unarmed. All they need is a spoon and some sugar and a brain full of fluff and they're equipped with life's tools.

Mary Poppins is the very enemy of whimsy and sentiment. She's truthful. She doesn't sugarcoat the darkness in the world that these children will eventually, inevitably come to know. She prepares them for it. She deals in honesty. One must clean one's room. It won't magically do it by itself. This entire script is flim-flam. Hmm?

如果我迟到五分钟,来开这家蠢银行的门!他将会用漂亮的斧头斩断我们的合作关系!就这!砍一刀!"把它拿住 别让你的脑子掉在日程表上! ",砍一刀! "快点!接住!接住!"。
Or if I'm five minutes late opening his stupid bank! Well, then, he'll take to me with the business end of his beautiful hatchet! There! Whack! "Take that for not dropping your bairns on schedule!" Whack! "Go on, then! Take that! Take that!"

We share a Celtic soul, you and I. This world, it's just an illusion, Ginty old girl. As long as we hold that thought dear, they can't break us. They can't make us endure their reality. Bleak and bloody as it is. Money. Money, money. Don't you buy into it, Ginty. It'll bite you on the bottom.

It's blasphemy to drink tea from a paper cup.

Disappointments are to the soul what the thunderstorm is to the air.

Now, there's no greater joy than that seen through the eyes of a child, and there's a little bit of a child in all of us.

You're the only American I've ever liked, Ralph.

你觉得我有一个帝国 我想要玛丽·波平斯的版权,不过是想给自己的帝国添砖加瓦,如果说只是那样,我有必要忍受你这个又臭又硬的怪人二十年吗? 不招惹你我还可以少长点溃疡。
You think I've built an empire, and I want your Mary Poppins as just another brick in my kingdom. Now, if that was all it was, would I have suckered up to a cranky, stubborn dame like you for 20 years? No, I would have saved myself an ulcer.

Life is a harsh sentence to lay down for yourself.

I swear, every time a person walks into a movie house, from Leicester Square to Kansas City, they will see George Banks being saved. They will love him and his kids. They will weep for his cares. They will wring their hands when he loses his job. And when he flies that kite...Oh, Mrs. Travers, they will rejoice. They will sing. In movie houses all over the world, in the eyes and hearts of my kids and other kids, and mothers and fathers for generations to come, George Banks will be honored. George Banks will be redeemed. George Banks and all he stands for will be saved.

We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.

- 她几乎是我遇到过的最差的女佣
- 那你为什么还留着她?  
- 不知道,她让我想起了自己。
- She's quite the worst maid I've ever had.
- So why do you keep her? 
- I don't know. She reminds me of me.

They makes cages in all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped some of them, carpets and all.

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