I figure we have a little courtroom right in here: Judge, jury and executioner.
Why, I see fellas in the big dough without half my brains...but ability isn't enough. You gotta have money to make money. Capital. But the boys at the Acme Garage would...cut me in on a half-interest if I can put up the money.
That robin sings just like I feel. Look, there's a pair of them up there, they're building their nest.
- 画一幅画大概要多久?
- 有的时候一天 有的时候一年,需要成长。感觉的培养。
- How long does it take you to paint a picture?
- Sometimes a day, sometimes a year. You can't tell, it has to grow. Feeling grows.
I just put a line around what I feel when I look at things. It's like...it's like falling in love, I guess. You know...First you see someone, and then it keeps growing......until you can't think of anyone else.
The way I look at things, that's all art is. Every painting, if it's any good, is a love affair.
Well, you can't put any price on masterpieces like that. They're worth... well...Whatever you can afford to pay for them.