台词对白 Scott Pilgrim & Ramona Flowers:
- 现在有蓝莓茶、覆盆子茶、人参茶、安眠茶、绿茶、加柠檬的绿茶、加柠檬和蜂蜜的绿茶,它们很伤肝,加蜂蜜的姜茶、不加蜂蜜的姜茶、杏仁香草茶、白松露茶、蓝莓甘菊茶、胡桃香草茶、持久评鉴茶以及伯爵红茶。
- 你编了一些吧?
- We have blueberry, raspberry, ginseng, Sleepytime, green tea, green tea with lemon, green tea with lemon and honey, liver disaster, ginger with honey, ginger without honey, vanilla-almond, white truffle, blueberry-chamomile, vanilla-walnut, Constant Comment and Earl Grey.
- Did you make some of those up?
- 我刚才在做梦 是关于你的,梦里面你正要把我的包裹送过来 你说这算不算第六感?
- 根本不是。你大脑里有个平行空间,里面有条直通神经的高速路,而我便能够由此进入你的思想,十分便捷,速度也快,呃,差不多15秒3公里的速度。
- I just woke up, and you were in my dream. I dreamt that you were delivering me this package. Is that weird?
- It's not weird at all. It's just that you have this really convenient subspace highway running through your head that I like to use. It's, like, three miles in 15 seconds.
- 告诉我 我们就这么出来在寒风中散步,不是就为了要用这帽子盖住你的头发。
- 不 不 我只是喜欢散步 你知道的,两条腿就这么交错着迈步,就像这样前进。
- Tell me we didn't come out here in the cold so you could cover your hair with that hat.
- No, no. I just love me some walking, you know. Just putting one leg in front of the other, like this. Walking.
- 我猜如果我们要约会的话,你可能不得不打败我的七个变态前任。
- 你有七个变态前男友?
- I guess if we're gonna date, you may have to defeat my seven evil exes.
- You have seven evil ex-boyfriends?
- 在经历了这么多之后,我依然需要个新生活,我来这里是逃避的,但是过去还是追了上来,我厌倦了别人因为我而受伤害,我很确定我要克服它。
- 介意我跟着你吗?
- 你想一起来?-是啊,我想我们应该从头开始。
- After all that? I still need a new life. I came here to escape, but the past keeps catching up. I'm tired of people getting hurt because of me. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get over it.
- Hey, mind if I tag along?
- You want to come with me?
- Yeah, I thought maybe we could try again.
- 嘿 你知道吃豆人不?-听说过-吃豆人Pac-Man原来叫冰球人,后来名字被改了,因为...并不是因为Pac-Man看起来像个冰球,"Paku-paku"意思是"张合嘴巴",所以他们担心人们会...把"P"换成"F" 就像这样...
- 噢 真不可思议-呃...我在做梦?
- 我自己滚了
- 多谢
- Pac-Man Hey, you know Pac-Man?
- I know of him.
- Puck-Man Well, Pac-Man was originally called Puck-Man. They changed it because...Not because Pac-Man looks like a hockey puck. "Paku-paku" means "flap your mouth," and that they were afraid people would change...Scratch out the "P" and turn it into an "F," like...
- Yeah, that's amazing.
- Um...Am I dreaming? I'll leave you alone forever now.
- Thanks.
台词对白 Scott Pilgrim:
I think she's...I think he's...I think she's the girl of my dreams.
我只是有点觉得我像是磕了药 在你跟你一起的时候,当然我不会去嗑药 除非...你磕药,那样的话,我会一直陪你嗑药,什么都嗑,我也不知道,我和你在一起的时候,好像什么事情都看起来都更明朗些。
I just sort of feel like I'm on drugs when I'm with you. Not that I do drugs, unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time. Every drug. Yeah, I don't know. Just when I'm with you, things sort of seem a little brighter.
台词对白 Ramona Flowers:
可能不是那么的美好,但是我曾经也是那种小愤青, 我们痛恨所有人,我们破坏东西,反正没人在意,他为了我在月亮上踢了个洞,这有点疯狂,但是很美好。
Guess that's not very nice, but I used to be, kind of like that. We hated everyone. We wrecked stuff. Nobody cared. He punched a hole in the moon for me. It was pretty crazy.
台词对白 Others:
- 她换了她的发色
- 所以?这蓝色挺适合她的
- 是的,我知道,不过她染它之前甚至没有仔细考虑一下或者什么的,她很浮躁 冲动 任性,老天我要怎么办?
- She changed her hair.
- So? It looks nice blue.
- Yeah, I know, but she did it without even making a big deal of it or anything. She's fickle. Impulsive. Spontaneous. God, what am I gonna do?
- 如果你很想要某个东西 你就要为之奋斗,走出你自己的路,走出那个L打头的词。
- "百合"?
- If you want something bad, you have to fight for it. ScottStep up your game, Scott. Break out the L-word.
- "Lesbian?"
The only thing keeping me and her apart is the two minutes it's gonna take to kick your ass.
Prepare to feel the wrath of the League of Evil Exes.
- 你演技确实不错
- 我今年还要拿奥斯卡嘞。
- You are a pretty good actor.
- I'm going for the Oscar this year.
- 你刚刚把我男朋友给一头撞爆了
- 你还把我的心给撞爆过呢,所以我想我们扯平了。
- You just headbutted my boyfriend so hard he burst.
- You kicked my heart in the ass, so I guess we're even.
Time heals all wounds, little brother. Maybe next time we don't date the girl with 11 evil ex-boyfriends.
你知道我花了多久,让所有邪恶前男友们收到信息,我才可以弄起这愚蠢的联盟?差不多两个小时! 两个小时!
You know how long it took to get all the evil exes' contact information so I could form this stupid league? Like, two hours! Two hours!