

Sleuth (Original Title)

有钱的侦探作家Andrew Wyke邀请了Milo Tindle来到了他富丽堂皇的家中,起初他们相谈甚欢,然而当Andrew指出他知道Milo是Andrew妻子的外遇对象 时,整个气氛开始变得诡异,充满了矛盾。Milo也气定神闲的告诉Andrew,他知道Andrew和一个妓女的风流韵事.....


I'm quoting from Philip Guedalla, a biographer of the '30s. The golden age when every cabinet minister had a thriller by his bedside and all detectives were titled.

我敢打赌 一年之内你对玛格丽特也会这样无礼,而我也会对此欢欣雀跃,彻底忘记无聊的、虚荣的、挥金如土、自以为是、阴险狡诈的她!把她从我手中夺走,你负担得起吗?
I'll wager that in a year's time it'll be you who'll be being rude about Marguerite and I will be being rhapsodic, and have quite forgotten how intolerably tiresome, vain, spendthrift, self-indulgent and generally bloody crafty she really is! Can you afford to take her off my hands?

- 我猜你这些日子更注重于"短跑",而不是那些"耐力赛"吧?
- 并非如此,小子我现在状态好极了,我随时可以为英国的人口增长做贡献。
- I suppose these days you are concentrating more on the sprints than on the long distance stuff.
- Not so, dear boy, I'm in the pink of condition. I could copulate for England at any distance.

In the good old days, before television, that is, people constructed the pleasures of life for themselves. They amused each other and were in turn amused. They didn't just sit and stare.

What better safe deposit for deceit? How often has it reflected the bright eyes that betray? The mouth that lied and kissed and lied again!

He was the very finest shot I ever did see. I once saw him bag six ducks with one shot, when he was blind drunk. The only thing was, they were china ducks in his auntie's drawing room. And I said, "But Charlie, you can't do that. It's the closed season."

Property's always been more highly regarded in England than people.

Finally, at your moment of dying, you are yourself. A snivelling, dago clown. Farewell. Puncinello.

Sex! Sex is the game. Marriage, the penalty. Round and round, we jog towards each futile anniversary. Pass go. Collect two hundred rows, two hundred silences, two hundred scars. In the deep places.

You may not agree with this, Inspector, but you take it from me. The shortest way to a man's heart is through humiliation. You soon find out what he's made of.

We in the police force know just how fond murderers are of their back gardens, sir. One's as near a murderer's heart in the garden as anywhere else on earth, Inspector?

You and I. That's so rare. Two people brought together, equally matched, having the courage and the talents to make of life a continuing charade of bright fancies, happy invention. To face out its emptiness and its terrors by playing. By just playing.

She, whose cobalt eyes were the secret forest pools of Finlandia. I closed them.

Be sure and tell them it was just a bloody game.

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