Swiss Army Man by Pedro B. Maia


Swiss Army Man (Original Title)



Back in civilization, there's 7 billion other living people on the planet just running around and blinking and breathing and eating, and you used to be one of them.

Hello, world.

Ah, you're the grossest thing in this gross world.

You've got something in there. You're like the multipurpose tool guy.

Look, sometimes when you do something too many times, it has less of an effect. It's like the… the law of diminishing returns. It happens to everyone. That's why there are so many fetishes out there.

Because life is short, and no one deserves to ride the bus alone.

That sounds kind of nice, everyone's shit mixing, because then someday some of your shit is gonna meet up with some of my shit, and we'll have something to look forward to, you know?

嗯,真是太有意思了,你知道吗?我一直希望在我死之前,我的一生可以像放电影那样…在我眼前一闪而过,唤醒所有美好的时刻,派对不断,挚友相伴左右的一生,还有我学吉他的过程,或许还可以携手我的真命天女,但当我吊在那里真的要死的时候,我没有看见那么多东西… 只看见了你。
Heh. That was really funny. You know, I… I had always hoped that right before I die… my life would flash before my eyes and I would see wonderful things… A life full of parties and friends and… and how I'd learned to play the guitar, and… and maybe there'd even be a girl. But as I was hanging up there… I didn't really see much of anything. But I did see you.

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