The Asphalt Jungle


The Asphalt Jungle (Original Title)



I know you're police reporters and hear this all day, but listen with your conscience, not just your ears.

We send police assistance to every one of those calls, because they're not just codes on a radio beam, they're cries for help. People are being cheated, robbed, murdered, raped. And that goes on 24 hours a day, every day in the year. And that's not exceptional, that's usual. It's the same in every city of the modern world. But suppose we had no police force, good or bad. Suppose we had...just silence. Nobody to listen. Nobody to answer. The battle's finished. The jungle wins. The predatory beasts take over.

- 伦,当我一想到你和那些可怕的人打交道…低等的罪犯,我就害怕。
- 他们其实没什么不同,毕竟,犯罪只是…人类行为的一种偏差而已。
- Oh, Lon, when I think of all those awful people you come in contact with — downright criminals — I get scared.
- Oh, there's nothing's so different about them. After all, crime is only...a left-handed form of human endeavor.

A man like Emmerich has got more than one place to hang his hat. Smart cat. Never does a lick of work, stays out all night, sleeps all day.

After this job, it's Mexico for me. I'll live like a king. Mexican girls are very pretty. I'll have nothing to do all day long but chase them in the sunshine.

是所有的事情,是我的生活方式,每次我一转身,就会花掉上万的钱,这儿一万 那儿一万,我必须…我必须扭转,我必须扭转这种局面,最讽刺的是我已经有机会了…但我却不能抓住。
It's not Angela. It's everything. It's my whole way of life. Every time I turn around, it costs thousands of dollars — 10,000 here, 10,000 there. I got... I gotta get out. I gotta get out from under. And the irony of it is that I've got an opportunity and I can't take it.

Like I'm always telling her, “If you want fresh air, don't look for it in this town!”

Experience has taught me never to trust a policeman. Just when you think one's all right, he turns legit.

Kentucky. Boone County, Kentucky. Best water in the USA. Yeah, it's the water makes the whiskey fit to drink.

The way I figure, my luck's just gotta turn. One of these days, I'll make a real killing. Then I'm gonna head for home. First thing when I get there, I take a bath in the creek and get this city dirt off me.

People like to bet the horses, sir, and just because the law says no.

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