There's a moment of orderly silence before a football play begins. Players are in position, linemen are frozen, And anything's possible. Then, like a traffic accident, staff begins to randomly collide. From the snap of the ball to the snap of the first bone is closer to four seconds than five.
你家圣诞卡上有个黑人男孩,跟他一比 你们都成小矮人了,就像金刚边上的杰西卡·兰格。
You know there's a colored boy in your Christmas card? You just looked teeny-tiny next to him. Right? Like Jessica Lange and King Kong.
I mean any fool can have courage. But honor, that's the real reason you either do something or you don't. It's who you are and maybe who you want to be. If you die trying for something important, then you have both honor and courage.
- 我们需要了解更多他的过往
- 他不会说的 他就像个洋葱,你得一次剥掉一层。
- We need to find out more about his past.
- He won't talk about it. He's like an onion, You have to peel him back a layer at a time.
- 我想让你做任何你想做的事,这是你的决定,迈克尔,这是你自己的人生,
- 那如果我想做很低贱的工作呢?
- 这是你的决定,是你自己的人生。
- I want you to do whatever you want. It is your decision, Michael. It's your life.
- What if I want to flip burgers?
- It's your decision; it's your life.
♪ 陌生的面孔嵌着暗淡而真诚的双眼 ♪
♪ 内心深处 ♪
♪ 你深知自己无所畏惧 ♪
♪ 因为年幼时候 ♪
♪ 你胸怀的那些梦想 ♪
♪ 你知道 ♪
♪ 生命中的春天悄悄临近 ♪
♪ 当所有情感,突然来袭在夜晚的寒冷中 ♪
♪ 你看起来如此脆弱 ♪
♪ 但当整个地球,都将沦陷你却在巨浪顶端,划向天际 ♪
♪ strange face, with your eyes ♪
♪ so pale and sincere ♪
♪ underneath, you know well ♪
♪ you have nothing to fear ♪
♪ for the dreams that came to you ♪
♪ when you were young ♪
♪ told of a life where ♪
♪ spring has crawled ♪
♪ you would seem so frail ♪
♪ in the cold of the night ♪
♪ when the armies of emotion ♪
♪ go out to fight ♪
♪ but while the earth ♪
♪ sinks to its grave ♪
♪ you sail to the sky ♪
♪ on the crest of a wave ♪