And guess what.If they can control me, then you can bet your ass they can control you. They're already doing it. You just don't realize it.
I'd prefer to be loved. I would, but if you take that away from me, well, being feared is A-one okey doke by me.
Well, then I would have to say that you have absolutely no fucking leverage because I am the Homelander. And I really can do whatever the fuck I want.
I know I'm bulletproof on the outside. But in here, this? It isn't. I'm just as human as all the rest of you.
Your fame is the only thing protecting you.
The V just made me more...me.With great power comes the absolute certainty that you'll turn into a right cunt. I mean, that's the thing, right? You're all just people. All the V does is just amp up all that shit that's already inside.
我很清楚自己是什么样的人,所以 我们才选了你,因为无论我多么努力...你会照看英雄克星的,可是如果我想照看他们,就没法当个彻头彻尾的混蛋了,对吗?只能是个半吊子。
I'm under no illusions about who I am. And that's why we brought you in. 'Cause no matter how hard I got to be...you're here to look after the Boys. Now, if I thought to do that, I can't be a complete asshole, can I? Just mostly one.
Oh, Hughie. It's shittier. It's not power. It's punishment. You don't deserve none of it.
Looks like Kermit the Frog had a right wank in your mouth.
That bitch has definitely got to go.
Mother's Milk:为什么?为什么总要求我无私高尚,你们这些白人王八蛋生气的时候就可以发飙,我却得把另一边脸凑过去挨打,去他妈的以德报怨。
Why? Why do I always have to take the high road? You know, when white folks get mad, y'all motherfuckers go berserk, but I got to turn the other cheek? Fuck the high road.
We save everyone. Even if they don't deserve it. Especially if they don't deserve it.
Even the greatest trees must grow from a single seed.
Ashley Barrett:你当时根本不在乎被你伤及的无辜者,现在怎么突然在乎起来了,因为受害者是你,你去死吧。
You did not give a shit about all the collateral you caused then. Now, all of a sudden, you care because it happened to you? Go fuck yourself.
Solider Boy:我看到资料说,我们跟阿富汗干上了,这他妈的是怎么回事,他们是好人。
I read that we were ass up in Afghanistan. The fuck is up with that? Those were the good guys.
You're just gonna end up sitting on top of the steaming pile of shit that you built.
It seems no matter how much we try to run, we cannot escape our old lives, huh? I suppose no one can run that fast.
The women are either humoring you, or they're scared of you, but none of them like you.
Out of all man's miseries, the most bitter is this. To know so much... And to control so little.
You cannot keep the truth from your daughter that...that you are...a deeply...broken and fucked-up man. So am I. So are we all, no? But you're also, perhaps, the best man I ever known.
Our past is not who we are. I thought I'd always be broken. But you saw something in me. I see it in you. I see mon coeur.
What good would that do? Where would it even go but to the bottomless, gaping pit of insecurity you call a soul?
You are not worthy of my respect. You are not a god. You are simply bad product.
我想说有客来居久则生厌,其实一开始就生厌了 。
You know, I would say you fucks are overstaying your welcome, but what welcome?
You want me to fuck a-a fucking fish!
The world's an ocean of shite, lads. You either sink...or you swim.
Bravery isn't having no fear. Bravery is having fear, but you d-d-d-do it anyway.
The unwritten policy was to sell the cocaine strictly to minority neighborhoods. Destabilize, demoralize, while staying out of white ones. Late in '84, we were gearing up for a major offensive, so the higher-ups, in their infinite wisdom, decided it was the perfect time to throw a wrench in the works. Fucking Payback. Each more ridiculous than the next.
The problem, of course, was making the super into heroes. Making them figures to be worshipped. The fame, the movies,the depraved sex... it ruined them.
No one even bats an eye when a man climbs the ladder.
Edgar said it himself, popularity is power.
To be silent is to be complicit.
You're like if Ashton Kutcher fucked a clown fish.
Your entire life is imploding, and it's as if you're reading fucking John Grisham.
- 黑人的命也是命!
- 所有的命都是命,超人类的命也是命。
- Black lives matter!
- All lives matter. Supe lives matter. Supe lives matter!