The Chef of South Polar


南極料理人 (Original Title)

本片改编自曾任日本南极观测队厨师的西村淳根据自身经历创作的散文集《有趣的南极料理人》。本是海员厨师的西村淳(堺雅人 饰)被派往冰天雪地的南极圆顶富士基地为七名考察队员担任厨师,妻子(西田尚美 饰)只好独自抚养8岁的女儿和刚出生不久的幼子...


Because the air pressure is low, The water boils at only 85 °C. If boil noodle like that, It's core will be left uncooked.

Nishimura-san, how about we escape together? Why did I come to this place?! This is a demotion, huge demotion. I'm having my prime year in the car.

When returning to Japan, I would try to participate in Triathlon. With such extreme condition living here for a year, Certainly it'll be good exercise for my body.

It's been true freedom here. No one whining to you all day. Eat everything is totally free. No son who keep asking more money. It doesn't matter if I stay here for two or three years.

Two weeks later...The sun sinks to the snow field. In Antarctic once June come, we will not able to see the sun. This period known as the polar night. Base is covered in darkness most of the day. In the late June the base from all over the world, to celebrate the winter solstice in Antarctica, will be held festival called Mid Winter.

My body...made entirely from ramen. If I cannot eat ramen, what else fun should I'm waiting for in live.

The first thing appearing in my eyes after I cut my hair and shaved my beard is...someone you could see everywhere, some ordinary middle-age man's face. Of course I use the water freely. Of course I go outside normally. More and more I don't  really understand what happen. Even I keep asking myself, Do I really went to Antartic.

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