If the balls spread right, and win, which is to say that luck plays a part in 9-ball. But for some players, luck itself is an art.
I’ll tell you what i can do off stalker. 10 years from now, i can go to west point. It’s all coming down to video-game reflexes. Computerized tanks, star wars. In 10 years, a heavy scorer on stalker is a shoo-in at the point.
Pool excellence is not about excellent pool. It’s about becoming something. You got to be a student of human moves. See, all the greats that i know of were students of human moves.
To be able to just miss the pocket by a hair, i mean, the audience.
You study the watch.But i study you.
It’s about money. The best is the guy with the most, in all walks of life.
Like which twin has got the toni. Maybe they both got the toni. Maybe toni’s a guy. It’s very complicated.
This is for bangers. Straight pool is pool. This is like handball or cribbage or something. Straight pool you got to be a real surgeon to get it-- you know, it’s all finesse. Now everything is 9-ball because it’s fast, good for tv, good for a lot of break shots.
I can always go back to whiskey. It’s been very good to me. You’re sitting in it, and i’m wearing it, but it’s tired. You know, it’s just kind of run on. You appear on the scene, i’m jumping again. You remind me that-- that money won is twice as sweet as money earned.