The destruction of entire species for profit. 280 species of birds and mammals in about the last hundred years. 400,000 elephants and 1,000 rhinoceros slaughtered in Kenya this year. 180,000 baby seals for $2 million.
Do you know how civilisations end? It's when stupidity is accelerated. Growth. Growth of what? Of happiness? Happiness on credit, the credit card? Or the happiness of walking in the country and diving into a river?
For years, 2,000 tons of sulphuric acid, titanium and cadmium dumped in the Mediterranean every day. Dumping it on the seabed is no better. Mercury waste thrown into the sea passed on to humans through fish. These pictures can't be shown too often. 15 years to react. 1 to 2% of world tonnage spread along the coast and in the oceans. Giant tankers are still being launched.
If we were really done for, as you say we are, if there really was no hope, I'd still want to live in spite of everything. Without thinking,just for the sake of it? Living for the life force. But I'm certain everything will be OK.
I'm not depressed. I just want the right to be myself. I don't want to be forced to give up wanting, to replace my true desires with false ones based on statistics, surveys, formulae, ultra-stupid American-Russian scientific classifications. I don't want to be a slave or a specialist.
做一个死人,待在那儿 这一刻你要停止思考,停止观看,停止倾听,这就是为什么古罗马人将这个任务委托给仆人或朋友。
Do the deed. To think I would suddenly stop thinking, seeing, hearing. That's why the ancient Romans entrusted a servant or friend with the task.