I'd like to think I'm pretty unique.
I don't want to be a boy held up by string.
Because the Colonel knows there's no such thing as special people. Just people.
按我推测 你只有一条命,和他们说的那样...人生没有第二次机会。
The way I figure it, you only get one life. And like they say... There's no such thing as second chances.
我有很多话想要和她说 就像...像我会告诉她 她其实是孤零零的一个人,即使其他人不觉得,因为 因为我清楚那种感觉,很失落 很孤独 很无形。
I have all these things that I want to say to her, like...like how I can tell that she's a lonely person, even if other people can't. 'Cause... 'Cause I know what it feels like to be lost and lonely and invisible.
两个中国的"处"结婚了,就在婚礼当晚 他们完房了,那老公就说了"真爽,真是太爽了,还有什么体位你想试的吗? ",那女的就说 "我想试试69式",那老公听了,想了一会, 他说"你想要龙蟠虎踞? "
These two Chinese virgins get married. It's the night of the wedding, they've just finished boning. And the husband says, "that was great, that was really great. Is there anything else you'd like to try?" And then the woman says...So the woman says, "I think I would like to try # 69." And the guy, he thinks for a second. He says, "you want breef with broccori?"