The Dreamers 2003




The ones you'd always find sitting closest to the screen. Why do we sit so close? Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first, when they were still new, still fresh, before they cleared the hurdles of the rows behind us. Before they had been relayed back from row to row, spectator to spectator, until, worn out, second-hand, the size of a postage stamp, it returned to the projectionist's cabin.

我发现观察一个事物观察得越仔细,桌子、桌子上的东西、冰箱、房间、你的鼻子,甚至世界… 突然间你就会领悟到这或许跟宇宙中形状和大小的和谐有某种关系,我想弄明白,但我就是不知道为什么,我确信这种和谐是存在的。
I was noticing that the more you look at everything… this table, the objects on it, the refrigerator, this room… your nose, the world… Suddenly… you realise that… there's some sort of cosmic harmony… of shapes and sizes. I was just wondering why. I don't know why that is. I know that it is.

我是说,当我们环顾四周的时候, 我们看到了什么?混沌,不是吗?完完全全的混沌,尽管如此,从上面看下来,就像上帝那样,世间万物突然融为一体。
I mean, when we look around us, what is it we see? Chaos, isn't it? Complete chaos. Yet, viewed from above, as it were, by God, everything suddenly fits together.

A petition is a poem and a poem is a petition.

'I've been memorising this room. In the future, in my memory, I shall live a great deal in this room.'

"The difference between Keaton and Chaplin… is the difference between prose and poetry, between the aristocrat and the tramp, between eccentricity and mysticism, between man as machine, and man as angel."

一个电影制作者就是一个偷窥者, 一个偷窥狂,镜头就像是… 可以看清你父母房间的锁眼,你监视他们,你感到厌恶,你感到罪恶,但是你不会… 把你的脸移开。
A filmmaker is like a peeping Tom, a voyeur. It's as if the camera is… the keyhole to your parents' bedroom. And you spy on them, and you're disgusting. And you feel guilty, but you can't… look away.

You know when someone wants it, there's no such thing as love. There are only proofs of love.

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