纳多尼应该听老一辈人的话,就像古谚语所说… “年轻人有力量,老年人有智慧”。
'Ntoni should listen to his elders. Like the old saying says… "the strength of youth and the wisdom of age."
If there's any relief, a moment's happiness… it's the thought of one's girl… and for her, one can even do without sleep. Because a man is made to be caught by a girl… just as the fish of the sea are made for those who catch them.
A rich man may be poor tomorrow. Whereas a poor man with something up here… may be rich tomorrow!
Tomorrow is always full of promise… and hope springs eternal. But in Acitrezza… tomorrow is usually not much different from yesterday… or from days to come.
When you give your heart away. That's when suffering begins.
We'll catch God's bounty tonight!
Everything is a threat when you live in poverty.
Be careful. Neighbors are like roof tiles: Water flows from one to another.
How wonderful it must be to be rich. To marry whoever you like, live wherever you like.
"I'll bore a hole through you yet," said the worm to the stone.