The Emperor's Shadow


秦颂 (Original Title)



两只小狗 梦见骨头
咬了一宿 狗毛两口
"two little doggies, dreaming of a bone"
"bow-wow, biting all night long"
"biting all night, mouths full of fur"
"bow-wow, not a bone in sight"

一统了好,音可同律,琴可定形 乐可普及天下,不妨听一首我新作的雅乐,樊将军,人间美妙,不可轻生,让渐离行刺,如同让我操琴,皆为痴人说梦。
Unification would be good, musical notes could be standardized, then music could spread everywhere. let me play my new tune never pass up a chance to savor beauty. This guy's no assassin.

The people share my ambitions, stick to music, you're good at that.

You get the world under your thumb, I'll get this mad man under my thumb.

Weapons are material, that's easy, but what about the non-material? How do we control that? Hearts and minds, the key to success or failure, unless we gather them in, the empire will be unstable, only when we've got them behind us, will the empire's future be secure.

You rule all the land on earth, everyone is your subject.

Such precious wood and gin.

You wanted to ride him like horse, how could you let the horse ride you?

You're the bond I promised, you're my bargaining chip with army, you're a hostage to my will, understand?

You can't arrest without a complaint.

"Moving boulders, 1000 pounds on my back,1000 men stoop, so one can reach heaven"

德河之水 其色苍苍
聚合于天 其流荡荡
邦人共歌 其泽泱泱
山必有缺 其势荡荡
"River, river, so vast and wide"
"rushing, roaring down from the skies"
"chanting, chanting, we join the tide"
"Blasting, smashing, out the mountainside"

Yes, but no hatred, it's sublime.

If you weep, I weep too, and if I weep, everyone weeps gao, only one have this ability.

It's a gamble, but losing can be fun too.

刀斧宝剑在我脖子后面悬架了十二年,什么时候砍下来,你没法知道,而只有你这首小调,就是你说的家乡小调,总是能让我从死亡的恐惧里边摆脱出来,父王无数次想拥抱死亡,却得不到它,又无数次想抛弃死亡,却甩不脱它,无法忍耐的时候 我想冲撞死亡,却被一个影子挡住,久而久之死亡就像这酒让我上瘾。渐离,是天道把你赐给了我,你已经成为我身体的一部分,你必须陪我深深的忍耐,再陪我重重的惩罚。
Get out of here, my life's been at risk for twelve years, I could've died anytime, only this tune of yours, which you call just a folk tunew, rescues me from the fear of death, I have sought death but without success, I have tired but failed to throw it off, sometimes I try to strike out against it, but something holds me back, death is my addiction, jianli, fate gave you to me, you are a part of me now, you must suffer together with me,and also receive the punishment with me.

Desire can lead astray or give an aim
Music tricks ear, but can also move it

It can make me sing or weep and make everyone else follow.

With this battle, we will unify China, and gao will fight for hearts and minds.

I've told my courtiers to forgive you without women, they'd be like caged cats.

Of the bunch, I only want one bloom.

Why do you have to kill to rule? Why do you need strings to play a tune? You're killing like moving down grass if I die and the empire is divided and will revert to chaos.

Your majesty - Don't call me that as many people as ants, how many people call me king. but very few are sincere you're the only person who has the right to call me brother.

- 鸟兽都会流泪,可你不会,这场大雨是六国冤魂在聚而哭歌,能淹没你的咸阳城。
- 就让六国冤魂为我颂唱吧,现在我告诉你 天道的本相,那就是胜利者的脸。
- Even wild animals can cry, but not you this rain is the tears of wronged ghosts, it will drown your capital
- Then let the wronged ghosts sing for me, I'll tell you the real way of heaven it is the Victor's face.

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