Chrisjen Avasarala:从航海时代起,集结战舰,就是数量的游戏。
Massing battleships is a numbers game since the Age of Sail.
Clarissa Mao:对于一个说自己不想当英雄的人来说,你肯定是个大英雄。
You know, for someone who says they don't wanna be a hero...You sure end up being one a lot.
Camina Drummer:狩猎愉快,罗西南多号。
Tenye wa chesh gut, Rocinante.
Camina Drummer:那个承诺被做出和被打破的次数,我都数不清了,一次又一次,我们被告知我们能信任内行星人,这次会不一样,但从未不一样过。
That promise has been made and broken more times than I can count. Over and over we have been told we can trust the Inners, that this time will be different, and it never was.
Jim Holden:他邪恶,他残忍,但他触及到了真实的东西,他能做到他所做到的,是因为有太多人愤怒恐惧,他们看到了未来,而他们不在里面。
He was evil, and he was cruel, but he tapped into something real. He was able to do what he did because so many people were angry and frightened. They saw the future, and they weren't in it.
Jim Holden:一个富有智慧的女人,她说过,听人之言不如观人之行。
A very wise woman I know once said you shouldn't believe what people say, just watch what they do.
Naomi Nagata:宇宙从来不会告诉我们对与错,试图帮助别人比知道自己帮了别人更为重要,更重要的是让别人的生活变得更好,而不是让你自我感觉良好。你永远不知道你可能对某人产生的影响,无从知晓,也许你说过的一件很酷的事情会让他们永远铭记在心,也许善意的瞬间会给他们安慰或勇气,也许你说了他们需要听到的一件事,你是否会在以后得知并不重要,你需要的就是去尝试。
The universe never tells us if we did right or wrong. It's more important to try to help people than to know that you did. More important that someone else's life gets better than for you to feel good about yourself. You never know the effect you might have on someone, not really. Maybe one core thing you said haunts them forever. Maybe one moment of kindness gives them comfort or courage. Maybe you said the one thing they needed to hear. It doesn't matter if you ever know. You just have to try.
On Earth, I once put a Belter up on hooks...to suffocate him, to make him tell me things he wouldn't have otherwise. I did it because I could. The Belt sees me that way because that is who I was. It is not who I am now.
We can't lose, not really. But I don't think we can win either. Our grandchildren will still be killing each other over this shit a hundred years from now.
好人不适合打仗,无论好坏 我们生活在其中,在前线,在登陆舰上,坐在飞船座椅上,设想自己能不能活到降落的时候,这个时候,你是一个好人还是坏人,又有什么关系呢。
War is the wrong place for good men. Good or bad, it's the same place for everyone. Firing line. Drop ship. Sitting in a crash couch, wondering if you'll live long enough to unstrap. Then what difference does it make if you're good or bad, then?