There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend, those with a rope around their neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.
You see, in this world, there's two kinds of people, my friend, those with loaded guns, and those who dig.
There are two kinds of spurs, my friend, those that come in by the door, those that come in by the window.
Even when Judas hanged himself, there was a storm, too.
We're all alone in the world. I have you, you have me. Only for a little while, I mean. It had to happen now. What a dirty, rotten trick of fate.
If I ever catch you, Blondie, I'll rip your heart out and eat it! I'll scalp you! I'll skin you alive! I'll hang you up by your thumbs! You pig! You vulture! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!