The Killing 1956


The Killing (Original Title)



He began to feel as if he had as much effect on the final outcome of the operation as a single piece of a jumbo jigsaw puzzle has to its predetermined final design.

- 你当初为什么嫁给我?
- 一个男人最好不要问老婆这种问题。
- Why did you ever marry me, anyway?
- When a man has to ask his wife that, well, he just hadn't better.

If people didn't have headaches, what would happen to the aspirin industry?

When a woman's been married five years and her husband doesn't trust her--You think more of them than you do of me.

You have not yet learned that in this life, you have to be like everyone else, the perfect mediocrity. No better, no worse, individuality is a monster and it must be strangled in its cradle to make our friends feel comfortable.

You know, I often thought that the gangster and the artist are the same in the eyes of the masses, They are admired and hero-worshiped, but there is always present the underlying wish to see them destroyed at the peak of their growth, Yeah, like the man said, life is like a glass of tea, huh?

You have undoubtedly heard of the Siberian goatherd who tried to discover the true nature of the sun, He stared up at the heavenly body until it made him blind, There are many things of this sort, including love and death.

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