His films were constantly moving.
His fight scenes of course had a great influence on us. He brought out the beauty of the moves. The moves were not only combined with elements of Peking opera, but also choreographed like a dance.
He didn't waste anything at all. He shot every corner, every weather condition and time of day. Rain, dawn, night, dusk. Everything. Inside and outside. Haunting, romance, ordinary, everyday life…
A good director can take a set, the same one… and shoot 10 scenes. 10 different atmospheres, 10 different times of day, 10 different… angles, different moods.
The women in his films are often heroines, like Heartthrob, Black Peony, Hot Pepper, and Tuberose. I love the interactions between these five girls and the justice league they created. They each use their different abilities to complete a mission.
In "Legend of the Mountain" and "Raining in the Mountain", I think what he wanted to present was the entire world of ancient Chinese culture. He became very ambitious. He wanted to present the entire culture. Cultured Chinese people love to be inspired by nature and search for meaning in it. He was such a cultured person.
When you talk to him, you know, you feel his… He make a movie… not just a movie, not, "Action." "Cut". He want grand, very grand. Everything very, very grand. Because of his background, his culture, he understand what it makes to tell the story. From this corner to this corner, this corner to this corner. He knows everything. I think he was a cultured man. He wasn't just a director. He was an artist, an intellectual. A cultured man.
I followed him for three months. He told me that making a film is do or die. I followed his advice. Not only did I not die, I even won this award.
A dot and horizontal line
A slash to the left
A cross beside a cross
The sun by the moon
他随便讲话,随便抛一点知识,随便那个提一些这个,不管历史 当代,或者是天文地理什么东西,好像是一个曾经吸收过无数百科全书知识的一个活生生的人坐在旁边,博学强记,他看书一目十行,我们私底下叫他活字典。
Whatever he said, be it some random knowledge or casually mentioning something, whether about history, contemporary issues, astronomy or geography… Whatever it was, it felt like someone who had absorbed countless encyclopedias was sitting right beside you. He was knowledgeable and read very fast. We privately called him "Walking Dictionary".
People don't forget a master. And they'll miss him. You'll learn from him for the rest of your life. That's who King Hu was. Of course I'm willing to talk about him. Divorce is a personal matter. It doesn't affect my admiration for him. I hope in his next life, he can better tolerate the more worldly side of the industry, so making films can be easier for him. He was a pure artist. The kind you meet once or twice in a lifetime.