The Lower Depths


どん底 (Original Title)



A thief is a poor man's best friend.

They say, "A little sake may longevity assure, but taken to excess…"

- 等着吧,你要下地狱的。
- 笑话,我都在地狱里了,还怎么下啊。
- Just you wait. You really will go to hell.
- Don't be ridiculous. How can you go to hell if you're already there?

An actor I know is a dimwit who can't count higher than the fingers on his hands. But once he gets on stage, the audience goes so wild, you'd think the house would split in two.

Listen here. Human kindness can't be bought for pennies or silver. Kindness is kindness. Pennies and silver are pennies and silver. Can't mix the wheat with the chaff.

This world is filled with ups and downs. Take turns lending a helping hand in times of need. That's as it should be.

I'm just a pebble beside the river. I've been worn down so long, now I'm nice and smooth.

It's not good when you can't even remember your favorite things. Our favorite things are the very core of our lives. I managed to drink up that "core of life." I'm hopeless.

I still just want… to live a little longer. A little longer. If there's no suffering in that world, then I'll put up with this world a little while longer. All suffering vanishes in the other world, and that's why… So, let's say there's no suffering.

This, too, all boils down to women. Considering my looks, I've known my share of gals. A gal for every hair that's abandoned my head.

Listen, old men have more wisdom than a turtle has shells.

The dead won't harm you. You should worry about the living.

"月照火光 野味飘香 春意盎然
微风习习 飘然沉醉
瞧那寒鸦 沿着堤岸 振翅归家
桨叶露珠 带来财富
意外之财 银元百两 这才像话
此话不假 春夜如此?
细流远胜 西方之海
落魄商女 生财有道
区区碎银 不足挂齿
元宝就来 在布包里
在这早春 祝君好运"
"The moon outshines the very bonfires where we roast our fish, hazy in the spring sky.
The chill breeze intoxicates.
Drifting contentedly, as a solitary wakeful crow wings its way home, along the riverbank dewdrops on an oar yield treasure.
A hundred silver coins the unexpected boon.
That's the spirit.
Verily, is it a spring night?
Better the river than the Western sea.
The fallen whore brings better fortune.
Unlike a mound of pennies,
the silver coins come wrapped in cloth.
"What good luck, so early in spring."

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