The Mercy


The Mercy (Original Title)

I can't go on...and I can't go back.

There's no way back. I can't write stories of where I've never been. I'm something else now. It's 10:28... nine seconds. The only truth. I am what I am. And I see the nature of my offence. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. It's finished. It's finished. It is the mercy.

我也不知道我丈夫是失足落海的,还是他自己跳下去的,虽然你们都认为是后者,但是有一点可以肯定,就算他真跳海了,也是被人推下去的。你们每个人的脏手都在他背上推了一把,每个摄影师、赞助商、记者,每一个在报刊亭驻留的可怜虫,都在以谈论别人的过错为乐,一旦他落水了,你们都来义正言辞地讨伐他,你们上周宣扬希望 现在大肆批评,下周可以换一个新鲜话题,但是明天以及今后的每一天,我的孩子都依然需要他们的父亲,而我也仍然需要我的丈夫,恐怕这不是一个特别好的故事,但真相往往如此,好走不送。
I don't know if my husband slipped and fell, or if he jumped... as you're now saying. But I would like you to rest assured, that if he did jump, he was pushed. And each and every one of you here had a grubby hand on his back. Every photographer, every sponsor, every reporter, every sad little man who stands at a newsstand to feast on the scraps of another's undoing.And once he was in the water, you all held him under with your judgement. Last week you were selling hope, now you're selling blame. Next week you'll be selling something else. But tomorrow and every day after, my children will still need their father. And I will still need my husband. I'm afraid that doesn't make a particularly good story, but then I suppose the truth rarely does. Thank you very much.

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