The Night Ship


Le Navire Night (Original Title)



Gradually one wonders what is happening, this disappearance of sound with the rise of the sun... That's where this fear comes in. Not the one of the night, but a fear of the night in the light. The silence of the night in the sunlight. The sun at its zenith and the silence of the night. The sun at the centre of the sky and the silence of the night. When the others arrived, at about two in the afternoon, we went back down to the city together, Athens, and then nothing happened. Nothing. Nothing more than ever, everywhere, this lack of loving.

He says that she has a voice one likes to listen to. He says: rather bewitching. They talk. Tirelessly. Talk. They talk endlessly. Endlessly they describe themselves. One another. To one, the other. They say the colour of the eyes. The texture of the skin. The smoothness of the breast that fits in the hand.

For nights and nights they each live their lives on the phone. Talk. Then, quiet. Sleeping on the receiver. Enjoy each other. It is an orgasm in the dark. Without mutual touch.

The night, insomnia, is the sea over which it passes... This film. This drift, which has been called... The Night Ship.

After this meeting at the place de la Bastille... she enters into a desire... each night. Each night begs to die. Each night demands to die of it. People who scream at night into the abyss, desperate to love... they all give dates to each other. These dates are never followed by meetings. It is enough that they are made. No one goes to them. Never. 

It's the call into the abyss, the cry, that triggers the enjoyment. It's the other cry. 

And then, sometimes, suddenly, to spring up again, to live again. This constant swing between life and death. Disappears. Vanishes. Dies. And then comes back to life.

The Night Ship has stopped on the sea. There is no longer a possible route. No directions. The desire is dead. Killed... by a photograph.

You mentioned the sea too. Yes, perhaps... Dead rats along the quays of Thessaloniki... the smell of anise, the smell of ouzo... the smell of the mud too... of the end of the sea. You mentioned a film as well. Yes... the film... the film was not shot... There would have been people here. We wouhave discovered them here, plunged into a very absorbing common reflection. Which, at the end, would have suddenly stopped. Yes, that's right. Or would have been stopped by death, for example... Yes. Or by a sudden strike of doubt... of a general nature.

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