There must be a ghost loose in the house. Maybe the ghost of bridegroom number one.
Art, my eye. The art of putting up $100,000 to display the shapely legs of.
- 我相信你恨我,英布里小姐?
- 不,我穷到没钱恨人,我只是个摄影师。
- You hate me, I trust, Miss Imbrie?
- No, I – I can't afford to hate anybody. I'm only a photographer.
Sometimes, for your own sake, Red, I think you should have stuck to me longer.
你知道看过我书的女孩 下场如何?她们开始动脑,这可糟了。
You know what happens to girls like you when they read books like mine. They begin to think. That's bad.
I thought all writers drank to excess and beat their wives.
And when I gradually discovered that my relationship to her was supposed to be not that of a loving husband and a good companion, but that of a kind of high priest to a virgin goddess, then my drinks grew deeper and more frequent, that's all.
I suppose you'd still be attractive to any man of spirit though. There's something engaging about it, this goddess business, something more challenging to the male than the, uh, more obvious charms.
Well, you're – you're like some marvelous, distant, well, queen, I guess. You're so cool and fine and always so much your own. There's a kind of beautiful purity about you, Tracy, like – like a statue. It's what everybody feels about you. It's what I first worshipped you for, from afar.
There was a Chinese poet who was drowned while trying to kiss the moon in the river. He was drunk. But he wrote beautiful poetry.
It's called champagne. Champagne is a great "leveleler" – leveler. It makes you my equal.
Whiskey's a slap on the back and champagne's a heavy mist before my eyes.
- 管他什么上层下层,我宁愿当下层,谢谢。
- 有更衣室的人可当不成。
- Upper and lower, my eye. I'll take the lower, thanks.
- If you can't get a drawing room.
你的美好从眼神里和声音里流露出来…你站在那儿的姿态 你走路的姿态,你从内在发光出来,崔西,像是一把火藏在心底,壁炉的火跟大浩劫。
A magnificence that comes out of your eyes and your voice and the way you stand there and the way you walk. You're lit from within, Tracy. You've got fires banked down in you. Hearth fires and holocausts.
Put me in your pocket. Mike.
Listen, I'd sell my grandmother for a drink. You know how I love my grandmother.
It's a type of stinger. Removes the sting.
In fond remembrance of me, The Easy Virtue.