The whole world is jealous of but which are nothing but dirt. Tars, dead cats, trusses...French letters!
We're always ugly fish.
I was tied up inside like...like a stuffed roll. I thought I was sick. Inside my stomach I heard voices, mysterious footsteps...I saw ugly faces. Anyhow, I wouldn't know.
Don't you feel too that our happiness could come to an end any moment now? I'm always afraid to wake up without notice. Maybe you're my invention. You are a myth.
I tell you that Adelaide...isn't the same woman as before. These are intangible things. How can I say it? It's like summer is finishing. Yes. The sun doesn't disappear but you can't feel its warmth any more.
You're here. He's out there, phoning. You love me more than anything. He's mad about me. I love both of you more than myself. What more can I ask for?
Then, I fall in love with one man and right after with another. Why two? Two at the same time? I can't live like this.
For this slut here, a pizza napoletana. For this cuckold, nothing! Because I haven't come here to eat but to tell everyone that this vile girl is cheating on me with that dirty traitor, the pizza maker.
The adult animal is divided as follows. In the rear part we have: rump, speckle, topside, silverside, round, thigh and tail. Loin and fillet are in the middle. Top blade, ribs, fore ribs, plate and chuck. Then, there's the blade roast, bone roast, tenderloin and shank. Let's not forget about the pulp, flank and marrowbone. In front, we have: muzzle, tongue, neck, pork unbelly and brisket. The tripe is considered apart.
Not wounded by a knife. But in the soul. Beside brute objects, there are things which are not to be touched. And the soul is among these things. It's inside but you can't see it.
明明身边都是同志,但我却有不被理解的感觉,这有问题,你听我说得对不对,人类的一切痛苦源于经济地位的不平等,阿德莱德嫁给了有钱人,社会的剥削阶层…这是一个人人都躲不过的问题,我问你 如果安莱托·迪米奥和我一样穷,她会嫁给他吗?
Even among all these comrades I feel alone. It's not fair! In a word...Follow my argument. The human suffering results from the supremacy held by the economic class. Since the man who stole Adelaide from me is a rich exploiter of society...The issue which needs to be addressed is this: if Amleto Di Meo were on my level, would she have left me?
- 这一吻若不是在惩罚我,就一定是一场梦。
- 都不是 是发自内心的一吻。
- You kissed me as a penance. Or you're a dream.
- No, it was bound to happen.
- 话说她老人家贵庚?
- 别看她老,她也美过,但我离开她了 我们离婚了 我现在自由了!自由了,自由了!枷锁被我打断了,再没有什么能束缚我了。
- How old is she?
- You see, when we got married, she was... pretty. But I left her. It's over, Adelaide! I'm a free man! Free, free...I broke the chains. No more ties, family... I left.
- 亲爱的,苍蝇又来了,它一直跟着我
- 这只苍蝇象征了我们的爱情,不是吗?
- My love! Here it comes. Yes, it follows me all the time.
- Well, the blowfly of our love, no?
- 我25岁才有第一次完整的性体验,之后我的真爱奥雷斯特出现,他是白羊座,我是天蝎座。
- 都是无效信息,放过星座吧。
- I was 25 when I had my first complete experience. Then came my great love: Oreste. He's an Aries with a Scorpio ascendant.
- All that is irrelevant. Let the horoscope go.