If a man's wild, he's hard for a woman to hold. But if he's tame, would a woman want to hold him?
I'm sick of men, and I'm sick of women.
Grief is a natural and dignified thing, but like every other emotion, Serafina, it can become excessive. Then… Then it becomes a sort of self-indulgence.
To me the marriage was beautiful, like a religion. Now my marriage is dreams and memories only. And I don't believe that the man I keep in my heart gave me horns.
There are some people, they want to make everything dirty. Everything dirty, believe me.
Love and affection in a world that… that's lonely and cold. Yeah, it might be lonely, but I would not say cold on this particular day. Love and affection is what I got to offer on hot or cold days in this lonely old world. I got nothing else. Mangiacavallo has nothing.
It's always for everybody the time of the roses. The rose is… The rose is the heart of the world like the… Like the heart is the heart of the body.