The Rules of the Game


La Règle du jeu (Original Title)

克里斯汀跟女仆杰西探讨了男女之间友谊的话题,二人意见相左,但克里斯汀坚信异性友谊,因为她确有一位蓝颜知己——飞行员朱利。他因为完成了23小 时飞越大西洋的壮举,成为了国家英雄,并公开表示出对克里斯汀的感情,朱利的朋友奥克塔夫对此颇有微词,因此叮嘱他千万不要在聚会越界。


I'm very unhappy. I've never been so disappointed in my life. I made this flight for a woman. She's not here to welcome me. She didn't even bother. I tell her this publicly: She's disloyal!

最近三年,我的生活就是一个谎言,从我看见他们打猎,我就一直在想,突然之间我明白了,克里斯汀,这也是我们这个时代的产物,在这个时代里 人人都说谎,卖药广告,政府,电台,电影,报纸,为什么你希望我们这些凡人不随波逐流,欺骗撒谎呢?
For the last three years, my life's been built on a lie. It's been on my mind since I saw them at the hunt. And suddenly I understood. That's also part of the times. Today everyone lies. Pharmaceutical fliers, governments, the radio, the movies, the newspapers. So why shouldn't simple people like us lie as well?

Nothing doing. Men are all the same.

Telling lies is such a heavy weight to bear.

俗世的爱情不过是两心交汇… 肌肤相亲。
"Love as it exists in society is merely the mingling of two whims and the contact of two skins."

Christine, du bist ein Engel. A dangerous angel, but an angel nonetheless.

The awful thing about life is this: Everyone has their reasons.

有人不要名声的羁绊… 他们往往先发制人,坟墓中的目光注视着该隐。
"Some men require not reputation's yoke. Their first sword's thrust can be the master stroke. The eye was in the grave and was watching Cain."

In the air, they're terrific. But when they come back to earth, they're weak, poor and helpless. Clumsy as children. They can cross the Atlantic, but not the Champs-Elysées outside the crosswalk.

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